Saturday, May 23, 2009

Sunday's church what fun

Well, a couple of Sundays ago we woke up late for church. Now we could have probably got ready real quick and been reasonable late to church. I asked my husband about having church at home. I thought it would be nice and relaxed since we were late. He agreed and I said I would get a quick shower and as soon as I was finished we could have church. Well as I got out the shower I was welcomed with my youngest and my husband scurrying around in the hallway laughing and being silly. Yo would have thought it was Christmas morning. I made myself a cup of coffee and turned to see this podium made of 2 card bard boxes taped together and a sign of the events. It stated that Daddy was the preacher and it had our music/song selection, Rachel was in charge of bible reading, and I was in charge of prayer request. They had so much putting that all together. It was funny to see their excitement. We sang songs, read the bible, and really got to talk with the kids in an interactive setting. We had alot of fun that Sunday. :)

1 comment:

BizzieLizzie said...

Awwwww Tammy - "Where One or More Gather" - What an AWESOME idea!! That is so fantastic! I love it that they were so excited about this!!

I know that He was just as happy as y'all were!