Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Santa came to my town early

There it is all shiny and new and WAY better than my last over the stove microwave. My dear sweet mom and her wonderful microwave carrier Ray stopped over my house to deliver an early Christmas present to me and my family. Why so early you ask I suppose a two week storage and a new delivery day was not as easy as giving it to me now. I am so THANKFUL. It is wonderful so many buttons, a shelf, cooked my oatmeal perfectly this morning, and even has a brand name. We had another microwave ever so long ago from Home Depot with a corny name Ewave. Which means I am going to break 3 days after the in store year warranty. And that is exactly what it did. It would only heat for 2 minutes at a time so that is what we have been doing for over a year I think. No popcorn, no mutliple heatings of food. I know we were so deprived, but not anymore. Thank you MOM and RAY. We love it!

A side note: You can see my lovely tree in the microwave's reflection. That tree was up two weeks before Thanksgiving. Chris and Rachel put the tree up early. They were so excited they went out at 9:30 at night to get lights. I use to have a tree with red balls, crystal ornaments, and white lights. Well not anymore my husband has been trying to get multi colored lights on it for years. Well they won this year and it is a hodge podge tree with child made decorations. It is beautiful but not a show room tree like my other one. LOL!( That attitude came from years of helping my mom. She professionally decorated tons of trees with a million lights and perfectly selected ornaments for a garden center) Maybe I will take a photo of the front of my house with another hodge podge of lights inspired from Chris and Rachel watching HGTV. They are two peas in a pod. Me and Christina were warm and grinchy inside. LOL!


melbytoast said...

Yay!!! A new microwave...hallelujah :-)

I love the tree (I'm a multi-colored gal myself, childhood memories). You are ringing in the season in many fun new ways!



Mrs. L said...

Nothing better than a new microwave. I need them to bring me a new disposal.